7824 S. 24th Ave., Tampa, Fla. 33619 / (813) 626-2507

Terry Tyree, Minister

April 7, 2024





Gratitude Through Generosity

Invitation Song


Communion Song

You Say

Communion / Offering

Jim Fairchild

Praise Songs

Old Church Choir

Trust in You


Closing Prayer

“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”


Sunday Sunday School: Adults, 9 a.m., Children, 9 and 10 a.m., Worship, 10 a.m.

Tuesday Hunger-Free Mission food and clothes sharing, 10 a.m.

Wednesday Bible study and prayer meeting, 6 p.m.

Thursday Bible study, 10 a.m.

April 18 Hunger-Free Mission fellowship dinner, 5:30 p.m.


Anniversary this week: Raul and Yolanda Bernal (Friday)

General fund offerings last week: $1,928

Meditations next week: Bob Bellone


“Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. For they all gave out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had – all she had to live on” (Mark 12:43-44 CSB)



In the Bible, the Greek word for “thanksgiving” or “giving thanks” is eucharisteo, which appears 38 times throughout the New Testament. This word contains the Greek word charis, which means “grace,” and is derived from the Greek word chara, meaning “joy.” At the Last Supper table, Jesus gave thanks even while foreshadowing his death and sacrifice, which became the greatest gift the world has ever known (John 3:16). What does Jesus’ example of thankfulness and sacrificial giving mean for us?

An Attitude of Gratitude

Our gratitude, or thanksgiving, begins with our response to God’s goodness and grace. Because the very root of the word encompasses “grace,” it is important to acknowledge the grace we have received (and continue to receive) from God if we are to truly understand what it means to be thankful. All that we have is thanks to God, including our reconciliation to God through the work of Christ Jesus.

Ideally, gratitude prepares the way for us to give sacrificially and generously, as cheerful givers who sow and reap bountifully:

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NIV

What it Means to Be Generous

Generosity is a virtue that has broad cultural implications and is displayed in various forms, including charity and hospitality. You may be generous with your money, resources, and/or time. Some may be limited in their giving because of their lack of one or all mentioned here, but the concept of generosity is with respect to the resources available, which enables even the poor to be generous. We can look to the example of the widow’s mite in Mark 12, where Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. For they all gave out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had – all she had to live on” (Mark 12:43-44 CSB). She gave out of the gratefulness in her heart to God, so we too, no matter what season of life or circumstance we find ourselves, can approach opportunities to give in the same way.

Showing Love through Giving

When you give from a place of gratitude, your selfish ambitions are replaced by the needs of others. The grace you have received, of which you are thankful, is extended to the recipient. You give, because you desire to show the same love and compassion you were once shown, not because you expect something in return. Generosity and gratitude intersect here, resulting in a beautiful demonstration of brotherly love and affection.

Jesus gave thanks to God the Father before giving up His life on the cross. It was the greatest act of love. Therefore, it is possible for us to give thanks to God as we prepare to give to others, whether out of surplus or lack. It is by His grace that we can give what has been given to us, and by excelling in acts of grace like what was described in 2 Corinthians 8, we prove our love is genuine.

New Life Solutions


The invitation at the close of each worship service extends an opportunity for anyone outside of Christ to unite with him and become a Christian through belief (John 3:16); repentance (turning away from sin,

Acts 2:38); confession of belief in Christ (Romans 10:10); baptism into Christ for forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-8) and devoting the rest of your life to

Christ (Matthew 10:22).

The Lord’s invitation also is open to anyone desiring to rededicate his or her life to Christ; to baptized

believers wanting to transfer their membership to this congregation, or to request prayer support.


For more than a half-century, we have been a restoration plea fellowship in unity with other independent New Testament church bodies. Certainly, we are not the only Christians, but we are Christians only.

In that regard, we assume no denominational name. We observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday to honor him and reflect upon his great sacrifice on our behalf (Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 11:23-28, Hebrews 10:25).

We teach directly from the Bible. Where it speaks clearly – such as the Gospel plan of salvation and other directions or commands – we seek unity. In matters of opinion, where the Bible does not expressly speak, we seek liberty. In all things, however, we speak love for one another, just as Jesus loved us and laid down his life for us!

If you agree with these matters, please join us to proclaim salvation and unity to those who need to hear it in the name of our blessed Lord and only Savior, Jesus Christ. We urgently invite you to do so since his glorious return is imminent.


Jim Fairchild (813) 361-7809 jfairchild@famins.com

Dan Hefner (813) 244-9843 danshirlh@msn.com